Worst Paris Ghetto Areas & Dangerous Neighborhoods To Avoid 2024

Rough Paris Ghetto Worst Neighborhoods Unsafe Dangerous Bad Parts Places Worst Suburbs To Avoid 


Areas Of The Best Arrondissements To Visit For Tourist Or To Stay And Live In 

In 2024

Paris is one of the most beautiful and visited cities in the world, known for its romantic atmosphere, stunning architecture, and rich culture. However, like any large urban center, Paris has its share of rough neighborhoods. In fact, there are some arrondissements that are not recommended for tourists or even locals due to their reputation as dangerous or unsavory areas.

In this blog post, we will explore the worst arrondissement in Paris and what makes it so unappealing. Whether you’re planning a trip to this city of lights or just curious about its darker side, read on to discover the truth about Paris’ most notorious neighborhood.

Table of Contents

Update on Recent Violent Events in France: Understanding the Situation and Looking Towards a Path of Healing


France, a country known for its rich history, culture, and vibrant spirit, has recently faced a series of tragic and violent events that have shocked the nation and the world. These incidents have left many questioning the reasons behind such acts and seeking answers that can help us navigate through these troubled times. In this article, we will provide an update on the recent violent events in France, delve into their complexities, and reflect on the possible path towards healing and unity.

Safe and Charming Neighborhoods in Paris

Paris is a beautiful city with a rich history and culture. However, like any major city, it has its own unique set of challenges. This guide will help you navigate some of the areas that may require extra vigilance, while also highlighting some of the most charming and up-and-coming neighborhoods to stay in.

Paris Areas to Consider

Here are a few of the most popular neighborhoods for tourists in Paris:

  • The Marais: This trendy neighborhood is home to a variety of shops, cafes, and art galleries. It is also a great place to stay if you are interested in Jewish culture.
  • Saint-Germain-des-Pres: This historic neighborhood is known for its intellectual atmosphere and its abundance of bookstores and cafes. It is a great place to stay if you want to be in the heart of the action.
  • The Latin Quarter: This historic neighborhood is home to the Sorbonne University and the Jardin du Luxembourg. It is a great place to stay if you are interested in learning about French culture.
  • Montmartre: This hilly neighborhood is home to the Sacré-Coeur basilica and the Moulin Rouge cabaret. It is a great place to stay if you want to experience the traditional side of Paris.

Tips for Staying Safe in Paris

Paris is a generally safe city, but there are a few things you can do to minimize your risk of becoming a victim of crime:

  • Be aware of your surroundings and avoid walking alone at night, especially in areas with less foot traffic.
  • Keep your valuables close to you and avoid carrying large sums of cash. Consider using a money belt or a crossbody bag that you can keep close to your body.
  • Be wary of pickpockets, especially in crowded areas such as metro stations, train stations, and tourist attractions.
  • If you are approached by someone who seems suspicious, trust your gut and walk away.
  • Invest in a good travel insurance policy that will cover you in case of theft or medical emergencies.
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By following these tips, you can help ensure that you have a safe and enjoyable vacation in Paris.

Understanding the Recent Violent Events:

  1. Attacks on Citizenry: France has experienced several attacks targeting its citizenry in recent years. These include incidents of terrorism, such as the Charlie Hebdo shooting in 2015, the Bataclan Theater attack in 2015, and the Nice truck attack in 2016. These events have deeply affected the nation, causing fear and concern among its people.
  2. Social Unrest: In addition to acts of terrorism, France has also faced widespread social unrest, including protests and demonstrations. Issues such as economic inequality, high unemployment rates, and dissatisfaction with political leadership have contributed to public dissatisfaction and frustration.

Government Response and Security Measures:

The French government has taken significant steps to address these challenges and ensure the safety of its citizens. Some of these measures include:

  1. Strengthened Security Forces: France has increased its security forces and law enforcement capabilities to counteract potential threats. This includes increased police presence in public spaces and strategic deployment of security personnel at sensitive locations.
  2. Counterterrorism Initiatives: The French government has implemented various counterterrorism initiatives to prevent and respond to acts of violence. These initiatives involve intelligence sharing, surveillance, and collaboration with international partners to identify and neutralize potential threats.
  3. Social Integration and Community Engagement: Efforts are underway to foster social integration and promote community engagement. This includes initiatives to bridge cultural divides, improve education, and encourage dialogue among different segments of society.

Looking Towards Healing and Unity:

While France continues to face challenges, there is hope for healing and unity. Key steps towards this goal are as follows:

  1. Promoting Dialogue and Understanding: It is crucial to facilitate open and respectful dialogue among different communities and ideological groups. This can help foster mutual understanding, address grievances, and find common ground for peaceful coexistence.
  2. Investment in Education and Social Programs: Prioritizing education and social programs can help tackle the underlying issues contributing to unrest. By promoting equal opportunities and addressing social disparities, France can create a more inclusive and cohesive society.
  3. Strengthening International Cooperation: Addressing the global nature of terrorism requires enhanced international cooperation. France can work closely with other nations to share intelligence, exchange best practices, and collectively combat extremist ideologies.


The recent violent events in France have had a profound impact on the nation and its people. However, through diligent efforts, dialogue, and comprehensive strategies, France can navigate these troubled times and use them as an opportunity to reinforce its values of liberty, equality, and fraternity. By prioritizing unity, understanding, and a commitment to social progress, France can emerge stronger and more resilient than before.

In The Light Of The Recent Violent Events In France, Is It Safe To Visit Paris Right Now?

At present, it is important to acknowledge that safety conditions can fluctuate over time, and it is recommended to stay informed about the current situation before planning any travel.

As of now, France, including Paris, has implemented various security measures to ensure the safety of residents and visitors. Enhanced law enforcement, increased surveillance, and counterterrorism measures have been put in place to address potential threats.

It is always advisable to follow the guidance of local authorities and remain vigilant throughout your visit. Additionally, staying updated with travel advisories from your country can provide valuable information regarding safety concerns and precautions.

Rough Paris Ghetto Worst Neighborhoods Unsafe Dangerous Bad Parts Places Worst Suburbs To Avoid 


Areas Of The Best Arrondissements To Visit For Tourist Or To Stay And Live In 


1. Paris 19th: The Most Criminogenic Place in France

The 19th arrondissement of Paris is known to be the most criminogenic place in France, and visitors and residents alike are advised to avoid this area at all costs.

With a high rate of crime, delinquency, and hostile behaviors, it’s not surprising that the 19th arrondissement can be a dangerous place to be. While the city does have its beautiful areas, it’s important to be aware of the worst arrondissements in Paris and take precautions when visiting these neighborhoods.

With additional high-crime areas in the 18th and 10th arrondissements, visitors and residents should be mindful of their surroundings and seek out safer areas to explore.

2. High Crime Rate and Hostile Behaviors in the 18th Arrondissement

The 18th arrondissement of Paris is no stranger to crime, with a high crime rate and hostile behaviors being prevalent in the area. However, it is important to note that the worst arrondissement in terms of crime is actually the 19th. Nevertheless, the 18th is still an area to be wary of, particularly in neighborhoods such as Barbès, Pigalle, and Red Castle.

Les Halles is another sensitive area, with an underground shopping mall that can be risky at night. While Stalingrad has undergone significant changes over time, it remains an area to exercise caution. As for the 15th and Vaugirard arrondissements, they too have seen rising crime rates and are considered notorious areas with criminal activities.

Visitors to Paris should be aware of the potential dangers in these areas and take appropriate precautions, such as avoiding them late at night and staying alert.

3. Barbès, Pigalle, and Red Castle: Main Neighborhoods to Avoid in the 18th Arrondissement

The 18th arrondissement in Paris has some main neighborhoods that are advised to be avoided due to high crime rates and hostile behaviors. Barbès, Pigalle, and Red Castle are the three neighborhoods that tourists and locals should be cautious of.

These areas have a reputation for pickpocketing, drug sales, and other criminal activities. Although there are some cool spots to eat and drink, it is better to be cautious while visiting these neighborhoods. The blog sections also highlight Les Halles, Châtelet les Halles, Stalingrad, Vaugirard Arrondissement, and Paris 15th as other areas with criminal activities or rising crime rates.

It is crucial to take necessary precautions while visiting Paris and avoid venturing into areas that have a bad reputation.

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4. Les Halles: A Sensitive Area with Underground Shopping Mall

Les Halles is a sensitive area in the 1st arrondissement of Paris that tourists and locals should avoid at night, according to the previous blog section.

The underground shopping mall there, Forum des Halles, covers a vast area of 40,000 square meters with 160 shops on four levels. While it might seem appealing to go shopping there, visitors should be aware of their surroundings and avoid walking alone at night.

The underground setting can make it feel unsafe, and it’s best to take precautions. This information should be taken into account when planning a trip to Paris to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

5. Gare du Nord/Gare de l’Est in the 10th Arrondissement: Unsafe during Evening Hours

The area around Gare du Nord/Gare de l’Est in the 10th Arrondissement is one of the neighborhoods to avoid at night. While the train stations serve as a busy hub during the day, the surroundings can be unwelcoming and potentially unsafe in the evening.

Tourists are advised to exercise caution and apply common sense in Paris during their visit. The 10th Arrondissement is a large area, and hotels are not necessarily located close to the train stations. Visitors can use the convenient metro lines and bus network to access other parts of the city.

It is important to keep in mind that crime can occur in any part of Paris, and travelers should be aware of their surroundings at all times.

6. Châtelet les Halles in the 1st Arrondissement: Best Avoided at Night

Châtelet les Halles, located in the 1st arrondissement of Paris, is a popular spot during the day, known for its shopping and lively atmosphere.

However, it’s best to avoid the area at night, as it can become a bit rough and unsafe. Although there is plenty of entertainment to be found in the area, including bars and restaurants, there have been reports of muggings and pickpocketing at night.

It’s important to be cautious and aware of one’s surroundings when visiting Châtelet les Halles after dark. Overall, while the area can be a fun place to visit during the day, it’s best to stay away at night to minimize safety concerns.

7. Stalingrad: An Area That Has Hugely Changed over Time

Stalingrad in the 19th arrondissement has gone through a significant transformation over the years. The area, which was once associated with immigrants and poverty, is now a bustling commercial hub with a trendy market and popular restaurants.

The change can be attributed to the city’s urban renewal projects that aimed to improve living conditions and attract more investment in the area. However, despite these efforts, Stalingrad still has a reputation for being a rough area with occasional reports of criminal activities.

It is best to be cautious when walking around this district, especially at night, and take necessary precautions to ensure personal safety.

8. Lack of Tourist Attractions in the 19th Arrondissement

In addition to being one of the most sensitive and least safe areas in Paris, the 19th arrondissement is also lacking in tourist attractions.

While it does boast the Buttes Chaumont park and the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie museum, it may not be worth the visit for those looking to experience the typically Parisian charm and attractions.

Visitors may want to consider staying or exploring other areas of the city that offer more iconic landmarks and cultural experiences.

9. Vaugirard Arrondissement: A Notorious Area with Criminal Activities

Located in the 15th district of Paris, the Vaugirard arrondissement has gained a notorious reputation for criminal activities. Although it is a popular residential area for the middle to upper classes, Vaugirard has been plagued with frequent incidents of theft and vandalism.

With a rising number of reported crimes, Vaugirard is now considered a sensitive neighborhood that visitors should avoid, especially during the night. Tourists are advised to be cautious of their surroundings and keep their valuables safe when in the area. Vaugirard’s reputation for crime has put a significant dent in its tourism industry, making it a place to avoid for visitors seeking an enjoyable and safe vacation in Paris.

10. Paris 15th: Front de Seine, A Sensitive Neighborhood with Rising Crime Rates

The Paris 15th arrondissement, more specifically the neighborhood of Front de Seine, has been experiencing a rise in criminal activities. The area, known for its modern architecture and office buildings, has seen an increase in robberies and car thefts.

Tourists and locals are advised to exercise caution when walking around at night and to avoid unlit areas. The neighborhood lacks popular tourist attractions and therefore attracts less police presence. This sensitive area should be approached with caution and vigilance.

Where Not To Stay In Paris

When it comes to planning a trip to Paris, it’s important to do your research and choose your accommodation wisely. While the City of Light has its share of enchanting neighborhoods and charming streets, some areas should be avoided at all costs.

Those Are The Places Where Not To Stay In Paris

  • Based on factual data, it’s clear that visitors to Paris should steer clear of the 19th arrondissement, particularly the Place Stalingrad area which is known for crack dealers and consumers.
  • The Gare du Nord and Gare de l’Est areas are also not recommended for late-night wandering.
  • Additionally, tourists should avoid the red-light district of Place Pigalle and the surrounding neighborhood of Montmartre.
  • While areas like Rue Saint-Denis and Chatelet-les-Halles may not be especially dangerous, they are home to hundreds of pickpockets and should be approached with caution.

By staying informed and making smart choices, visitors can enjoy all the incredible things that Paris has to offer while keeping themselves safe and secure.

Where To Avoid In Paris

Where To Avoid In Paris
Source : joinusinfrance.com Showing A Map Of Where To Avoid In Paris

As a travel expert, it is important to provide honest and accurate information about a destination such as Paris. Tourists should be cautious when exploring certain areas of the city to ensure their safety and avoid any potential danger.

  • The 10th arrondissement, particularly the Gare du Nord/Gare de l’Est area, and the 1st arrondissement, specifically Châtelet les Halles, should be approached with caution during the evening hours.
  • In the 18th arrondissement, Barbès, Pigalle, and Red Castle are neighborhoods to avoid due to their reputation for pickpocketing. Additionally, it is best to steer clear of project areas outside of Paris as they may not be safe for tourists.
  • The Eiffel Tower is a popular attraction among tourists, but it is recommended to visit during the day or early evening to avoid any potential danger. The Rue St. Denis, located near the Centre Pompidou, should also be approached with caution.
  • On the other hand, there are certain areas that are ideal for tourists such as the 1st and 2nd arrondissements, the Louvre, and the former “Halles” with its selection of restaurants. The 3rd and 4th arrondissements are full of old mansions from the 17th century and are home to the Jewish and gay communities.
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In summary, tourists visiting Paris should be aware of areas that require extra caution and those that offer a safe and enjoyable experience. As a travel expert, providing accurate information about Paris can help keep tourists safe and ensure they have a memorable trip.

Dangerous Getto Areas in Paris

Paris is a large, dynamic city with all its advantages and disadvantages. Some of the problems include crime, such as pick-pocketing, etc. Basically, Paris is not worst than any other similar European metropolis.

If you are looking to settle in a quiet area, it is better to avoid the heart of Paris, and instead move to the 7th, 14th, 15th, and 20th arrondissements. With crime rates 10 times less than those of the 1st, they are clearly, much safer and quieter areas of the capital. There are some safe areas in Paris and others that you should avoid, at least at certain times of the day.

Aside from burglaries, violence, crimes, and all sort of recurring Paris protests that can exist in any of the world’s most famous and civilized communities, If the west of the capital is likely to be targeted by crime, the East and several other places on the left bank are also under increased surveillance for this new day of mobilization of “yellow vests” in Paris.

After having read many things about Dangerous Areas To Avoid in Paris as a tourist, I chose to present my own judgment. I’m a constant traveler, I visited the Paris suburbs so many times that I lost count. I’ve spent a good deal of time in my life in Paris arrondissements, and I know Paris city just like the back of my hand.

First of all, Paris city is generally a rather safe metropolis. The main problems you can experiment with here are pickpockets in touristy neighborhoods, or scams you can dodge if you’re only clever enough.  So, these are probably the same troubles you may encounter in most big capitals in the world. The chance of getting robbed is practically slight during the day and very unlikely at night(except for a couple of no-go zones we will talk about later).

That being said, let me give you some specifics about the Unsafe Areas In Paris 2024

Areas Of Paris To Avoid In 2019 - Unsafe Places & Neighborhoods

Areas Of Paris To Avoid In 2023- Bad Neighborhoods

French Ghetto Areas ? Yes, we must dare to use the word, this term which frightens the Republic so much.. Because, year after year, in the suburbs of large French cities, separate territories have emerged with their own laws, languages, hierarchies, and borders.

There is even a famous french book called “La Loi Du Ghetto” which means the law of the ghetto. This book is a dive into the deep waters of the French ghetto, into the raw essence of the urban crisis. No fabrication, journalism, reporting, facts, and few judgments. Cold and efficient, it shows the mess and the unconquerable difficulties of permanently separated worlds. In short, The Ghetto.

Territories that concentrate, absorb, and produce, like no other space, the tensions of French society: unemployment, insecurity, isolation, immigration, and poverty. Territories where the state has concentrated exceptional police and judicial resources to regain control.

Without success. The result of four years of investigation, this book is a cry for alarm. Because hiding the reality of the abyss would be even worse …

Unsafe Dangerous Parts & Places, Worst Ghetto Suburbs 

Planning a trip to Paris? If so, becoming accustomed to the fundamentals of what the city has to give can considerably improve your journey. Paris is the administrative, beautiful, and artistic capital of France, and is too the single-most toured city in the universe.

It has attracted streams of emigrants, refugees, musicians, philosophers, and global merchants for ages. It possesses a lively marketplace and civic society, profound legislative and aesthetic antiquity, an unprecedented amount of captivating tourist sites, and exceptional architecture.

Located at the crossroads of Europe and in the confined area of the English Channel and other vital sites for military and commerce, Paris is a true major city in continental Europe. Read on for a helpful overview of the city’s no-go places before you go, with tips on outlining your tour and more.

Unsafe Dangerous Areas In Paris  2024

Paris itself is a pretty big delimited region, that counts more than 2.148 million people. Outside Paris, you have an expanse of several centers that makes up the Paris suburbs. Paris + suburbs = approximately 11,017 million souls.

In Paris itself, there some areas are slightly more unsafe than others. You have to keep in mind that most of the city is quite safe, except for those certain parts.

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Here are a few of the Most Dangerous Areas In Paris, you may need to avoid during your visit:

  1. Northern 18th and 19th area in the evening, nearby Marx Dormoy, Porte de la Chapelle, La Chapelle, Porte de Clignancourt, and Porte de la Villette. Montmartre is really secure both in the morning and at night. Pigalle is safe as well, always packed with sightseers and policemen, however, the thing that is definitely not child-friendly are the many adult entertainment stores in the neighborhood.
  2.  The 10th district is in the Gare du Nord / Gare de l’Est, especially in the evening.
  3. The 1st district throughout Châtelet Les Halles in the evenings. I however see this region as a very protected one, yet visitors to the city may feel wary as the streets might seem a bit empty.
  4. A few spots of the 20th district, Saint Blaise neighborhood, and near the “Porte de Montreuil” station are to be avoided also in the evening only.
  5. Avoid the two La Bois Suberbs: Bois de Vincennes and Bois de Boulogne in the evening as well.
  6. To cut it short and make it easier for you to remember, avoid project areas outside Paris. The riskiest areas are distant from Paris, and you’d probably never find yourself in the middle of it.

What are the most dangerous neighborhoods in Paris?

Paris 19th is the most criminogenic place in entire France. The crime rate is very high, and delinquency, antisocial, and hostile behaviors have evolved a lot. the most sensitive districts of Paris if found are Riquet Stalingrad, Cambrai, Place des Fêtes, Danube, Belleville, Jaurès, Ourcq-Rue Petit-Laumiere, etc.

Additional Safety Tips

  • While you stroll down the streets of the city, you may get in touch with some young folks that you may assume are troublemakers. Perhaps because those fellas are speaking a bit loud, are in big a group, and look like emigrants, you may assume you’re at risk.
  • Well, don’t be, most of the time, those are groups of teenagers just hanging out, maybe a little ill-mannered but not necessarily criminal.
  • Be cool if they proceed to you asking for a lighter or else, just smile back and be nice to them. If you sense something unusual, simply walk away. If you do so, the biggest danger you may face is probably a few rude words, nothing more to that.
  • Always be careful and keep an eye on your belongings.
  • Above all, be warned not to use your cell phone in the metro while carelessly approaching the door. Pickpocketers can simply snatch the cell phone out of your hands as soon as the train stops and then run away from the metro.
  •  Walking alone in the streets at night carries a certain danger in all major cities. It’s best to take a taxi if you don’t have company, the metro doesn’t run at 1 a.m. anyway.
  • Metro stations that you should avoid later in the evening are, for example, Châtelet-Les Halles with its endless corridors, Château-Rouge in Montmartre, Gare du Nord, Strasbourg St-Denis, Réaumur Sébastopol, and Montparnasse.

Unsafe Paris Suburbs To Avoid 2024

Paris Suburbs To Avoid are nothing like what they were 15 years ago, as dangerous areas used to be even more spread throughout the city. Time has changed for the city of light yet for the better. As prices hit rooftops in the metropolitan, most unprivileged parts of the city population had to move outside Paris of the powers of economics.

Some arrondissements have witnessed dramatic changes. Areas like Stalingrad, Bastille, Place des fêtes, Oberkampf, Place de Clichy, Place d’Italie, and Mouffetard, which used to be resided by the Parisian working classes have now become more deluxe than ever.

However, these changes got their toll on how most of the rustic and authentic enchantment of those communities disappeared. Now the police forces are always patrolling there to keep it safe at all times.

Let’s speak a little bit more about the Paris Suburbs To Avoid. You’ll have to abstain from a significant portion of Paris if you stayed inside its delimited areas. Venture the suburbs of Saint-Denis, Montreuil, or Ivry Sur Seine which are sumptuous and original.

Media usually disgraced Paris suburbs, in France as well as elsewhere. Paris suburbs are very varied and complex to be labeled as one. Most of them are peaceful, tranquil, and harmless, yet others can be quite bad, especially for foreigners.

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  1. I am trying to see who you are, you who “know Paris city just like the back of my hand.” No name to this as far as I can see. Yes there are anti-semitic attacks but by far the biggest attacks here come from the eastern european illegal migrant gypsy group and you should know that. Why can’t you say it? And Barbès-Rochechouart, Chateau-Rouge and Chauteau-d’Eau are African enclaves of drug dealers and con men – Why can’t you tell people what’s really going on??? Paris used to be safe, a paradise, before these people came in and sorry, we all know it in Paris. – PS nowhere is safe anymore, just safer.

    • What a racist asshole. Maybe France shouldn’t have colonized half of Africa. Ever think of that? Also the word “gypsy” is also racist. Roma is the proper term. And how can they be illegal if you are all in the Schengen zone. I live in the US and have never been to Paris but at least I can recognize that you are a Marie LePen worshiping douche.

      • Richard you seem to be the Racist ignoramus…you have not even been to Paris so shut your ignorant uneducated Yank trap. I lived and studied in Paris for 4 years and I found the Parisiens most welcoming. I arrived LEGALLY from a former French African territoire..France did NOT colonise Sudan or Eritrea and they are the Africans who give other Africans a bad name as they make up most of the criminal of the Chateau Rouge area. “Gypsy” is not a racist expression and the majority of Gypsy pickpockets hail from Moldova and Albania . (Neither country is in the EU let alone Schengen and they are there ILLEGALLY). There are some Roma who are the Gypsies who come from ROMANIA in the EU but also NOT A in the Schengen zone. GO educate yourself👍🏿👊🏿👊🏿👊🏿

      • Yes Europe was the only one who colonised and Islam via the ottomaniac empire did not wipe out all of the native Egyptian and native African people to zero survivors in all of northern Africa where it settled Arabs that exist untill today… France did not wipe out the natives wherever it colonised… Islam did… An estimate of 100 million to 300 million North Africans were wiped out and sold for slaves initiating the slave trade internationally by Islam…

      • All these people trained by Russians to use Whataboutism to justify whatever the fuck thy want. The Government colonized here and there so all French deserve this chaos!?

        It’s why you lose any talent from France you imbecile.

        Stinks of crazy leftist who dares to even say they have NEVER been to France. Shut up and do not speak about things to which you have no experience whatsoever.
        France is Bleeding out their intellectual talent.
        My French Husband has an IQ above 140, a profoundly gifted software Engineer who could only be paid less than a MCDONALDS worker is paid in US!
        He had been held by knife or attacked for his phone various times by the age of 19.
        Such an ignorant American who knows nothing of what they speak on.
        The “far right” in France is more like our Democrats in the US.
        The Left in France is more like our crazy far right in US.

        The French leftists make jokes after BABIES are stabbed in a mass stabbing by a Muslim pretending to be Christian to throw off double digit leftists morons.
        Jokes such as “they got baby cupuncture”

        Disgusting and in need of immediate purging.

        France will not prevail as long as they’re brightest and most driven are not able to obtain any sort of true livelihood unless they LEAVE their home Country for the US or hell even the UK.

        Name softwares coming out of France?
        Big Tech?

        France is 50+ YEARS behind the US in Psychology, still sucking on weird ass Freudian shat.
        You are likely to be arrested and charged just for defending yourself against scum of the earth thugs, unlike in the US ( built by older Europeans no less) where you have the right to defend your property and more importantly your family.

  2. And how is the Noisy-le-Grand area if I want to visit it with family (spouse + kids)? I don’t wanna stay there, just to see Arenes de Picasso and Palacio Abraxes?

  3. If Parisian men are anything like the men in Bordeaux, they’re nasty, petty, spiteful little woman-haters who mumble insults and then run away. Can’t blame everything on the immigrants.

    • I am surprised to see yoyr comments about the men of Bordeaux, as I am a regular visitor to the area and am always impressed by the friendliness of the locals. I must admit to a deep sense of unease in the Barbès-Rouchouart district. I made the error of walking down from the Sacré Coeur basilica, but fortunately this was during the day. Nothing happened but the atmosphere was threatening.

  4. “Perhaps because those fellas are speaking a bit loud, are in big a group, and look emigrants, you may assume you’re at risk.” This article is giving racist ewwwwww

  5. come on seine saint denis is great I love it (wesh)

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