Weird Funny & Interesting French Wedding Traditions & Old Customs

France is known for its romantic language, wine, and delicious cuisine, but did you know that they also have some unique wedding traditions? French weddings are full of fun and interesting customs that have been passed down through generations.

From the pre-wedding festivities to the post-wedding celebrations, these traditions are sure to add some charm to any wedding. In this blog, we will take a closer look at some of the most fascinating French wedding traditions that you might want to incorporate into your own special day. So grab a croissant and a café au lait and let’s dive in!

And what makes all the magic of marriage in France, it’s the rituals that surround this very special day. Whether or not you are for a traditional wedding, here are some Weird French Wedding Traditions And Customs that you may adopt.

The wedding day is full of famous symbols, from the wedding dress, the walk down the altar, and the bouquet, to rituals that abound to make this event a day that will remain engraved in the memory of the bride and groom and their guests.

The day of the wedding is rich in symbolism. From the wedding dress to the walking down the aisle to the bridal bouquet, the French Wedding Traditions And Customs are not lacking to make this event a day that will remain forever in memories.

French Wedding Traditions And Customs

First Let’s Begin With The French Engagement Traditions

French Engagement Traditions has been a part of French culture for centuries, and they continue to be practiced to this day. The engagement period is seen as a time of preparation for the ultimate commitment of marriage. In France, engagements are marked by tradition and history but also embrace modernity.

During the engagement ceremony, the exchange of rings takes place, which is a custom that has been present since Roman and Greek Antiquity. It is believed that the round shape of the ring symbolizes eternity and the never-ending cycle of life.

French engagement traditions are not complete without a formal presentation of the bride-to-be to the groom’s family. This tradition involves the groom’s family visiting the bride’s family to request her hand in marriage. Today, this custom has evolved into couples simply announcing their engagement to their family and friends.

The engagement period in France is a time of celebration with friends and family. In ancient times, it was customary for the groom to organize a bachelor party with his friends, while the bride would have her own celebration with her friends. This tradition has since evolved, and now both the bride and groom, together with their friends, celebrate their impending nuptials together.

French Engagement Traditions are part of the broader French wedding culture. The bouquet toss, which dates back to the 16th century, is another tradition that is still practiced. This involves the bride throwing her bouquet at the end of the wedding reception, and whoever catches it is believed to be the next in line to get married.

French Engagement Traditions are a significant part of French culture, one that celebrates love, family, and community. With their rich history and modern take, these traditions have a charm that appeals to many.

Funny Wedding Facts In France

The French have always been known for their romantic flair and elegant wedding traditions. However, there are also some quirky, funny facts about French weddings that are worth mentioning.

One amusing French wedding tradition is the practice of throwing sweets at the newlyweds. This is believed to bring them good luck and prosperity in their married life. The couple is showered with candies and sugared almonds as they exit the church or wedding venue.

Another funny wedding fact is that on the day of the wedding, guests fill the toilet bowl with all the leftovers from the reception. This strange tradition is believed to represent the abundance and good fortune that the newlyweds will have in their married life.

French weddings have a variety of interesting and unique customs, such as the groom carrying his bride over the threshold of their new home, or the bride cutting the groom’s tie during the reception as a symbol of their commitment to each other.

In French culture, the 41st wedding anniversary is an important milestone. It is believed to be the year of “iron love”, where the couple’s love and commitment to each other are as strong as iron.

Old French Wedding Traditions

One of the old French wedding traditions is to wear “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue”. This tradition originated from a poem in the 1800s and is still followed by many brides in France.

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Another old French wedding tradition is the “garter toss”. The bride wears a garter on her leg and the groom removes it with his teeth during the reception. He then tosses it to the single men in attendance to catch, with the belief that the man who catches it will be the next to get married.

In addition, there is the “wedding cake charm pull”. Charms are placed inside the wedding cake and each bridesmaid pulls one out before the cake is cut. The charm reveals their fortune or prediction for the future.

These old French wedding traditions add a touch of fun and excitement to the big day. They are a testament to the rich cultural heritage of France and are cherished by many couples today.

French Wedding Traditions And Customs

Whatever the style of your relationship and your marriage, your wedding ceremony will go through many stages all full of sentiments. If you want to follow the French Wedding Traditions And Customs and respect inheritances, you will find in this list the main rituals of marriage in France.

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1. Sleeping separately

Tradition holds that the couple has to sleep separately the day before the wedding and this ritual can be performed the day before. This ritual can make the moment of reunion even more precious in passion and make it possible to mark a difference between the life of a single and the life of a couple.

2. The 4 elements

It is true that this custom comes from England at the end of the nineteenth century. It’s about the idea that the bride must have in her possession 4 components at the time of getting married, 4 symbols that bring happiness: something old, something borrowed, something new, and something blue. They designate respectively family bonds, luck, success, and finally the loyalty of the bride and groom.

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  • In the first place, on the day of her wedding, the bride must wear on her, something “old”. It can be a family jewel, a bracelet of sentimental value … but belonging to the bride. it represents the family link of the bride and her story before marriage.
  • Then, the “new” element is usually represented by the wedding dress. It symbolizes renewal, success, and prosperity for the life to come.
  • Thirdly, the “borrowed” object represents luck and happiness for the future married couple. It is usually an accessory (chosen by the bride) having already been worn by a bride on the day of her own wedding (a veil, a jewel, a skirt …) happy and fulfilled.
  • And finally, the color “blue”: symbolizes faithfulness and purity between the couple. For this, it is often a discreet accessory (a handkerchief, a bow …) that is chosen by the bride.

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3. The bride always stands on the left

The bride traditionally stands and sits on the left of her future husband in the church. The custom is that the bride is to the left of her husband during the ceremony. Indeed, in ancient times when the knight came to the rescue of his beloved princess, he held her with his left hand as he kept his sword in his right hand. This is supposed to signify the groom’s ability to use his right hand in fighting all people opposed to this marriage.

4. The Rings

Indeed, the origin of this custom dates back to ancient Egypt. The round form of the covenant symbolized eternal and infinite love. It goes to the left ring finger, which according to the beliefs is traversed by a vein going directly to the heart, called by the Greeks: “the vein of love”. To put a ring on that finger means that the heart belonged to the one who had offered the ring. Thus this finger became the ring finger.

The original rings were made of iron, which is now mostly in gold.

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5. Throwing Sweets On Wedding Night: A Fun and Sweet French Tradition

French wedding traditions are known for their fun and unique customs, and one of the most popular ones is the act of throwing sweets on the wedding night. This tradition is believed to have originated from medieval times, when guests would throw grains, rice, and sweets at the newlyweds to bring them good luck, fertility, and prosperity.

As time passed, the tradition evolved, and throwing sweets became more popular. Nowadays, guests throw sugared almonds or dragées, which are small sweets covered in a hard shell. The number of dragées thrown is also significant as it symbolizes different things. For example, throwing five symbolizes health, wealth, happiness, fertility, and longevity.

This tradition is not only fun but also has a deeper meaning. It’s a way for guests to wish the couple well and send them off with good luck and sweet gestures. It’s also a great way for guests to get involved and participate in the wedding festivities.

In addition to throwing sweets on the wedding night, French wedding traditions include the significance of the 41st wedding anniversary, engagement traditions, funny wedding facts, and old French wedding traditions. French wedding food is also an essential aspect of any French wedding, with dishes like Croquembouche and Kouign-Amann being popular.

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Why Did The French Throw Sweets At Newlyweds

In addition to throwing rice at newlyweds, the French have another sweet tradition that dates back to ancient times. Instead of rice, the French throw candies and sweets at the couple on their wedding night!

But why do they do this? According to tradition, throwing sweets at the newlyweds is meant to represent a sweet start to their marriage. The candies are also a symbol of fertility and prosperity for the couple.

Aside from throwing candies, the French also have other unique wedding traditions. They have a strong appreciation for fine food, and wedding receptions often feature a feast of delicious French cuisine. The French Engagement Ring is a small band that symbolizes the couple’s engagement and is worn on the left hand until the wedding day when it is transferred to the right hand.

Today, although sometimes replaced, it remains traditional to congratulate the newlyweds in a shower of confetti, petals, and bubbles … as a sign of congratulations and shared happiness.

At the end of the ceremony, the couple gets into a car followed by the wedding party the parade is honking the horn and then throwing the rice in the bridal car while it goes away.

6. The procession

At the end of the ceremony, the newlyweds leave in a car, usually followed by the wedding procession. Then horns are struck on their pathway. We owe this ritual to the Middle Ages when clandestine weddings were common. Also, the law obliged to announce the marriage union as loudly as possible.

7. The dragees

This is one of the most common gifts offered to guests. These go back to Antiquity and were introduced in France as early as the 16th century. Highly prized by monarchs, they are a symbol of eternal love.

This ritual dates from the Middle Ages when clandestine marriages were common. It is one of the most basic French Wedding Traditions.

8. The bridal bouquet-throwing tradition

This wedding tradition also appeared in the 16th century in France. It was previously the male guests to grab the bouquet, running after the bride!

The custom was imported from the Holy War. The knights reportedly inscribed this custom of their crusades. At their weddings, future wives made bunches of orange blossoms (a symbol of purity). It is now customary for the groom to offer the bouquet to his wife.

Today, the bride throws it back to her female friends. Whoever catches it will be the next to get married.

9. The garter

Where do such French Wedding Traditions And Customs come from? It would seem that the inheritance of the garter goes back to a more than distant time: prehistory! Indeed, paintings of women wearing strange bands around the thighs, similar to our garters, were found on the walls of prehistoric caves.

What is the symbolism of a wedding garter ?

Remarkably, it was at this time, only the warlocks had the right to wear them. The garters were according to beliefs, endowed with magical powers. It was then seen appearing in all legends and fairy tales, they became magical charms.

Later, in the Middle Ages, during a dance with the Countess of Salisbury, King Edward III of England saw the falling on the ground, garter of the lady. The latter picked it up and tied it to his own leg: the most famous order of British chivalry was born: the order of the garter!

Today, the garter symbolizes above all purity (white) and fidelity (blue). Brides wear it at the thigh limit of sensual and intimate space. It symbolizes her purity. It is most often white or blue, colors of purity and fidelity among the Hebrews.

10. The chamber pot

This is one of the Weird French Wedding Traditions indeed. This custom, exclusively a French one, originated in the Aveyron region. It symbolizes the passage from childhood to adulthood. The ritual required the bride and groom to walk in a cart with a chamber pot in their arms to announce their wedding in the village. Very early, the day after the wedding, the friends of the newlyweds would look for them, to bring back their chamber pot.

It involves waking the bride and groom and offering them a strange mix, often made of chocolate, bananas, and champagne, all in a chamber pot decorated with toilet paper. This custom. Indeed, the chamber pot was supposed to strengthen the bride and groom after their wedding night. It is also a symbol of the transition from childhood to adulthood and that of singles to newlyweds.

So, basically, after the wedding ceremony, the family will collect leftovers from the food and put them in the toilet in the couple’s room. They don’t leave until the couple has had a taste of it.

11. The onion soup

Legend has it that this drink was invented by Louis XV himself. It is usually served at the end of marriage to regain energy after dancing all night.

12. The groom to carry the bride over the threshold

The groom traditionally carries his wife to cross the threshold of their home. This would be to prevent bad spirits from attacking the bride. And if they stumble, a symbol of bad luck for the young couple in Roman times.

13- The veil

The veil of tulle is an indispensable part of wedding customs. It is true that this custom comes from ancient traditions. This was to transfer to her lover by throwing a cloth on her head, so she could not go back to her parent’s house …

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Later, the custom changed. At the time of the arranged marriages, the parents covered the face of their daughter, with the veil until the marriage is celebrated. Therefore, the man did not take into account the physical criteria.

French Wedding Traditions Customs Food Tradition Weird Facts About Marriage In France 16th Century Ceremony What Is The Symbolism Of Garter

Traditional French Wedding Food

Whether you are just curious about the Traditional French wedding venue or you looking for ideas for your own wedding, we are going to talk you through the process of choosing a traditional wedding food menu for a French-themed ceremony. An excellent menu and refreshments are essential for any to-be-wed couple to entertain their guests.

Now let’s see what is typical French wedding menu. Well, it normally includes the most celebratory elements the French kitchen has to offer, and most, if not all wedding caterers across the French realm will include these on their menu whether the couple prefers to keep it simple or in sophisticated versions with inventive twists according to certain local customs.

It all of course comes down to how big your wedding budget is. However, if you are very eager to go for a comprehensive French Wedding Food menu, for instance, to serve a more extended variety of courses in more petite portions, any traditional meal has a starter, a main dish, and a dessert.

French Wedding Traditions Customs Food Tradition Weird Facts About Marriage In France 16th Century Ceremony What Is The Symbolism Of Garter

French Wedding Food

French wedding food is known for its delicious flavors and unique presentations. One of the most popular dishes in France is the traditional wedding cake, known as “croquembouche.” This tower of bite-sized cream puffs is held together by caramelized sugar and decorated with flowers or other edible decorations.

In addition to croquembouche, French weddings feature a variety of mouth-watering dishes, including foie gras, escargots, and Coquilles Saint-Jacques. These dishes are often paired with a selection of fine wines, as France is renowned for its world-class vineyards.

But French wedding food isn’t just about the main dish. Desserts are also a highlight of the meal, with decadent options such as crème brûlée, tarte tatin, and macarons.

It’s no wonder that French wedding food is so highly regarded, as any celebration in France is incomplete without delicious food and wine. So, whether you’re attending a wedding in France or simply looking for some culinary inspiration, be sure to try some of the country’s delectable dishes.

And don’t forget to throw some sweets at the newlyweds, as it is one of the fun traditions that will make the wedding experience even more enjoyable. As the French say, “Vive les mariés!” (Long live the newlyweds!)

To keep it simple, we will only suggest only the main components found in a traditional French wedding food feast.

  • Traditional French Wedding Food – Starter

  1. Foie gras (often translated as ‘liver pâté’)
  2. Scallops
  3. Lobster
  • Traditional French Wedding Food – Main dish

Meat that is usually served rare

  1. Beef fillet
  2. Duck breast
  3. Medallion of Veal
  4. Lamb
  5. Pigeon or quail


  1. Monkfish
  2. John Dory
  3. Salmon
  4. Red Mullet
  • Traditional French Wedding Food – Dessert

  1. Macarons
  2. Crème brulée
  3. Sabayon
  4. Fresh fruit ‘sorbet’
  5. French patisseries such as eclair, tart, millefeuille, etc. (usually served as an assortment of petit portions)

What To Watch Out For In Traditional French Wedding Food Menu

The typical French wedding menu is not the best vegetarian-friendly. However, most restaurants and caterers can provide a couple of vegetarian options for your non-meat-eaters guests.

There are probably a couple of supplementary items on the menu that we didn’t mention above one of them is of course the ‘Trou Normand (palate cleanser).

The other thing will have to be the cheeses!! it is an indispensable part of any French wedding dinner menu, usually served at the wedding reception buffet accompanied with traditional French bread. Just watch out for, is whether it’s pasteurized or unpasteurized types of cheese especially if there are pregnant women amongst your guests.

French Wedding Traditions Customs Food Tradition Weird Facts About Marriage In France 16th Century Ceremony What Is The Symbolism Of Garter

The significance of the 41st wedding anniversary in French culture

The 41st wedding anniversary is a significant milestone in French culture. It is commonly known as the “Iron Anniversary” and symbolizes the strength and durability of a couple’s marriage. Traditionally, couples exchange iron gifts on this occasion as a symbol of their unbreakable bond.

French couples have a deep appreciation for their marriage, and they celebrate each wedding anniversary as a reminder of their love and commitment. The 41st anniversary is no exception, and it is often celebrated with a romantic getaway or a special dinner.

In conjunction with other fun and interesting French wedding traditions, celebrating the 41st wedding anniversary is an excellent opportunity for couples to reflect on their love journey. The blog post highlights some of the old and new customs, including throwing sweets on the wedding night and taking multiple ceremonies to ensure the wedding is truly unforgettable.

French couples can source traditional iron gifts in various forms, such as sculptures, jewelry, and household items. On the other hand, modern couples can opt for topaz gemstones to mark this significant milestone. Flovinno is a fantastic platform that can help couples plan their 41st-anniversary celebration, taking them on a romantic journey across France to reignite the marriage spark.

In conclusion, the 41st wedding anniversary is of paramount importance in French culture, and it’s a fantastic opportunity for couples to appreciate their love and renew their commitment to each other. French couples’ love story is fascinating, and some traditions differentiate between the French and the rest of the world. Indeed, celebrating the Iron Anniversary in France is a unique experience that leaves both couples refreshed and rejuvenated.

At The End

French wedding traditions are fun, unique, and full of sweet surprises. From throwing sweets on the wedding night to celebrating the 41st wedding anniversary, these traditions make French weddings stand out. So, if you’re invited to a French wedding, don’t forget to bring some sugared almonds and join in the fun!

Overall, French wedding traditions are full of interesting customs that add to the joy and excitement of a couple’s special day. From throwing candies to feasting on fine cuisine, the French certainly know how to celebrate love and commitment.

Nothing forces you to follow all those Fun Interesting Or Even Weird French Wedding Traditions And Customs. If you dream of an original or modern wedding, revisit these inheritances or create your very own ones!

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