Avignon History And Culture

Avignon History And Culture – The Palace of the Popes, the bridge of Avignon, the ramparts are classified world heritage of Unesco. Cardinal’s liveries, churches and convents perfect the architectural richness coming largely from the pontifical legacy.

Avignon History And Culture

Avignon History And Culture

Capital of the Christian world in the Middle Ages, Avignon has preserved an outstanding heritage: the Palace of the Popes, the world-famous bridge, the World Heritage-listed walls by Unesco.

Before the power of the papacy, the town heritage has also been there for long: a hundred solid houses, crenellated, dominated by the cathedral Notre-Dame des Doms, characteristic of the Provençal novel and enclosed in strong ramparts, convents of great powerful rulers (preachers, Cordeliers, Carmes, Augustins), and on the impetuous and violent Rhone, a bridge with 22 arches, built between Lyon and the sea, built by the small shepherd Bénézet at the end of the 12th century.

Ruined by the onslaught of the river, unused since the seventeenth century, it is now universally known by the song “On the bridge of Avignon”.

When Avignon becomes the heart of Christendom, the city offers a very convenient place to stay for consecutive pontiffs. Then rise the imposing mass of one of the most beautiful buildings in Europe, the Palace of the Popes: work of French architects, but decorated largely by Italian painters of the famous Sienese School of Trecento, headed by Matteo Giovannetti of Viterbo.

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Cardinal’s liveries, churches, convents, are built according to the tortuous lanes, and the urban and architectural aspect is modified. New ramparts are being built, constituting one of the most beautiful lines of medieval fortifications in Europe. The pontifical legacy is enormous and the City of Avignon is honored by devoting a large part of its restorations.

The HistoPad Palace of the Popes: the increased visit for everyone in Avignon!

This is the unique experience of diving in the past, in the heart of the largest gothic palace in Europe, The Palace Of The Popes…

By calling on History, a start-up labeled “La French Tech”, specialized since 2013 in the exploitation of augmented visits solutions to enhance the monuments, the City of Avignon reinforces the attractiveness of the extraordinary heritage of Avignon History And Culture

To offer each visitor to the Palais, the interactive tablet HistoPad, is to offer the best of modern museography, allow the first-time visitors to discover the monument even better, and encourage those who already know it to rediscover it

All you have to do is cross the “Portes du temps” to enjoy a unique tour of the various rooms of the Palais des Papes and find yourself immersed in the past.

A real revolution that will resolutely transform the way to discover Avignon History And Culture: it is now a fun, educational and interactive visit for guests. Much more than discover a building, go from room to room, read or listen to a text, it is then that on the tablet they will be equipped with 3D technologies and augmented reality, they will be able to discover at 360 ° what the places looked like 800 years ago, and how they evolved, as well as their history.

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Far from being a simple gadget, the Histopad proposes developments built on historical and cultural content giving to see spectacular historical reconstructions, entirely elaborated by a scientific committee.

Discover the reconstituted palace at the time of the pontifical court

Symbol of the influence of the Church on the Christian West in the fourteenth century, the Palace of the Popes preserved its medieval history its monumental stone, preserved in its integrity. Inside the monument, the expanded visit with the HistoPad makes it possible to discover striking reconstructions of the spaces such as they could be at the time of the “City of the Popes”.

The original splendor of the interiors and the richness of the decorations are thus restored in the Consistory, the Big Treasury, the Lower Treasury, the Camera Chamber, the Pope’s House, the Grand Tinel, the Great Chapel, and the Great Hall. Visitors can thus obtain detailed explanations in their language throughout the tour, and better understand the works still visible on the walls, in particular in the Chamber of the Stag, and in the Saint-Martial Chapel, or the St John’s Chapel.

The Histopad for a unique and unforgettable visit

At any time, visitors can orientate themselves and organize their visit thanks to an interactive geolocated plan. He also has the opportunity to extend his experience by leaving a comment in the digital guestbook and can get a digital souvenir of his visit by email. Children and their families are invited to a treasure hunt in search of papal coins hidden in 3D objects, to manipulate in each reconstituted space.

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How To Go The Extra Miles In Developing And Maintaining Avignon History And Culture

Since 1995, the City of Avignon has been inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List. The region concerned represents an area of ​​8.2 ha including the Rocher des Doms, the Petit Palais, the Notre Dame des Doms metropolis and the Saint-Bénézet bridge.

This wonderful heritage that is the pride of all Avignon depends on several institutional factors: the State, the PACA Region, the Department of Vaucluse and the City of Avignon. All have gathered for twenty years still it is now necessary to go further and establish a real management plan for this World Heritage site.

A management plan that integrates all elements of a global strategy combining scientific and cultural project, conservation, didactic presentation of the site, social and economic valorization for the benefit of the Avignonnais. Thus, a convention is established between the various actors which define the commitments of each one. Concerned about its classified heritage, the City will also create and finance a senior staff position that will be in charge of monitoring the management plan, for a better valorization of the properties inscribed on UNESCO’s heritage.

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