Where Are New Canadian Citizens Coming From?

Over the next three years, approximately 1.5 million individuals will immigrate to Canada from different origins. Canada will need to integrate and establish these immigrants into the country’s economy, population demographics, and overall national culture. Consequently, the inquiry arises: “From which countries are these new Canadian citizens originating?”

The Growing Diversity of Canada’s New Citizens

Canada requires immigrants to continue being a robust and prosperous nation. The aim is for immigrants to become permanent residents and eventually citizens who are fully committed to Canada’s progress and advancement.

Canada is a nation that has a large number of immigrants as its citizens, making it important to understand the future origin of Canadians, particularly in light of the immigration targets set by the IRCC. The data provided by the IRCC provides fascinating information about the countries from which new Canadians are coming.

Top Canadian Immigrant Sources of 2023

The top 10 countries of origin for new Canadian citizens in 2023 are India, the Philippines, Syria, Pakistan, Iran, Nigeria, the People’s Republic of China, the United States of America, France, and Iraq.

In the year 2022, a total of 374,554 individuals who were permanent residents of Canada successfully obtained Canadian citizenship. This number is significantly higher than the previous year, 2021, during which only 137,079 permanent residents became citizens. It indicates a substantial increase of over three times.

In 2019, the number of individuals who obtained Canadian citizenship was only 250,000. The increase in immigration suggests that the Canadian immigration system might be returning to standard practices and adequately addressing the country’s requirements.

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India was the country where most new Canadian citizens in 2022 were born, with the Philippines and Syria being the two countries that followed in terms of prevalence.

In the following order, the top ten countries are Pakistan, Iran, Nigeria, China, the United States, France, and Iraq.

Hence, India has become the main provider of immigrants to Canada for the past two consecutive years. Interestingly, Syria has emerged as a new and unexpected addition among the top ten countries, while the rankings of the remaining nations have been subject to fluctuation.

China’s ranking as an immigrant source has dropped from fourth place in 2019 to seventh place in 2022, due to changes in the top ten list. On the other hand, Pakistan has experienced a remarkable rise, moving up to the third position from not even being on the list in 2019.

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