Distance Learning Course Army Program

The army is known for its rigorous training programs and devotion to ensuring soldiers are equipped with the skills they need to succeed. However, sometimes military duties can make attending traditional classroom settings difficult. That’s where distance learning courses come in to help soldiers continue their education while still serving their country. Not only can distance learning pave the way for military career advancement, but it can also serve as a foundation for soldiers’ post-military careers. Join us as we explore the benefits of distance learning courses for the army and the valuable knowledge that soldiers can gain through these unique education opportunities.

Source: www.akooffline.org

1. Director of Army Distributed Learning Program

The Director of Army Distributed Learning Program, Mr. Michael Holt, has assumed his duties as of July 1, 2021. Mr. Holt began his federal service in 2010 at the Headquarters Distribution Defense Logistics Agency The Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC). The program he leads provides rigorous and relevant distributed training and education to Soldiers, Leaders, and Army Civilians at the point of need from a responsive and accessible delivery capability.

The Directorate of Distributed Learning manages governance plans and policies for the Army’s distributed learning (DL) program and manages the Army’s centralized contract for distributed learning products. They conduct research to develop and update the Army’s DL content technical standards/specifications and integrate new learning DL technologies. They also partner with Joint Knowledge Online and other Services to synchronize DL initiatives and provide Soldiers’ access to Joint DL.

The Directorate of Distributed Learning manages mobile learning initiatives, which include mobile apps and interactive digital publications for the Army. They prioritize, track, and report DL courseware development to ensure that courseware is developed to standard and fielded in accordance with established milestones. They also consult with proponents on instructional designs and manage the Army-wide process for the development, management, registration, and hosting of mobile learning products.

In addition to their various responsibilities, the Directorate of Distributed Learning serves as TRADOC lead for Interactive Digital Publications and the TRADOC lead to provide direction and address complex issues surrounding implementation of ML initiatives. They execute rapid mobile app contracts in support of proponents and partner with JKO to improve Joint and Army DL training and education. The Directorate also serves as TADLP rep to DoD Advanced DL Initiative (ADL) and Defense Advanced Distributed Learning Advisory Committee (DADLAC). [1][2]

2. Accessing DL Courseware

Accessing DL Courseware in the U.S. Army can be done by calling the toll-free number 1-877-251-0730 or email contact. The Army Distributed Learning Program (TADLP) offers various courses to prepare officers for Unified Actions through Joint Interagency and Multinational Operations. The Command and General Staff School’s Department of Distance Education (DDE) manages the non-resident Common Core and Advanced Operations Courses which make up the Intermediate Level Education (ILE).

Prospective students can access the DDE’s public website which provides general information on the non-resident CGSOC programs. They can also access a Common Access Card (CAC) enabled website for responses to frequently asked questions. The DDE is organized into three divisions which include Student Operations, Common Core and Advanced Operations. Its central function is to assist students in the enrollment and eventual graduation process from CGSOC via distance learning.

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Student Operations is responsible for all actions related to a student’s enrollment and eventual graduation. They assist prospective students with processing requests for admittance to distance education programs and work closely with National Guard Bureau and US Army Reserve Command to ensure student success and processing of official course completion documentation. The CC-DL course is completed through independent study but students are assigned faculty advisors who monitor and support them. The TASS option offers a resident-like experience with two-week ADT sessions and eight monthly weekend IDT sessions.

All qualified student-officers have an opportunity to become CGSOC graduates. Additional information on admittance and enrollment requirements can be accessed on the DDE’s internal department website. Access to this site will require a Common Access Card (CAC) or AKO user name and password. [3][4]

3. eArmyU Personal Development and Training

The eArmyU Personal Development and Training program offers a distance learning opportunity for Army soldiers who want to further their education and professional development. The program was introduced in 2001 and has since been expanded to include numerous online courses and degree programs offered by participating colleges and universities.

Soldiers can take courses in a wide range of subjects, including business, technology, healthcare, and foreign languages. The program also includes professional development courses designed to improve leadership and communication skills.

The key benefits of the eArmyU program are flexibility and convenience. Soldiers can take classes from anywhere with an internet connection, allowing them to balance their military duties with civilian responsibilities. The program is also financially beneficial, as the Army covers the cost of tuition, fees, and textbooks.

To be eligible for the program, soldiers must have completed Basic Combat Training and be on active duty in the Army, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. They must also meet academic and deployment requirements.

Since its inception, the eArmyU program has helped tens of thousands of soldiers earn degrees and enhance their professional skills. It is just one of many initiatives the Army has launched to support military education and training. [5][6]

4. Using Post-9/11 GI Bill for Correspondence Course Reimbursement

Washington DC – The United States Army is encouraging service members to take advantage of the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits by using it to reimburse correspondence courses.

The Post-9/11 GI Bill provides education and training benefits to eligible veterans and their family members, including service members that have completed at least 90 days of aggregate service after September 10, 2001.

Service members who are taking distance learning courses and meet the requirements can be reimbursed for the cost of their courses. This includes tuition and fees, as well as any study materials that are needed.

“It’s important for our service members to know that the Post-9/11 GI Bill can be used for off-duty education, such as correspondence courses,” said a representative of the U.S. Army. “We want to ensure that our service members are taking advantage of all the benefits that are available to them.”

To apply for reimbursement, service members should first ensure that their chosen course is approved for VA education benefits. They can then submit an application for reimbursement to the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Service members interested in using their Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits for correspondence course reimbursement should contact their Education Services Officer for more information and guidance on the application process.

5. Types of Army Correspondence Courses

In the Army, soldiers have the opportunity to enhance their education and skills by taking correspondence courses. There are three types of Army correspondence courses: Army Correspondence Course Program (ACCP), Skillport, and FastClass.

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The ACCP is a formal non-resident extension of the U.S. Army Service Schools curricula, designed to provide progressive distributed education to the United States Armed Forces. Soldiers can earn promotion points by completing full courses and earning a certificate of completion. Skillport is an online program available through ATRRS Self-development, providing soldiers with individual and group study opportunities. FastClass, on the other hand, is a web-based option that allows soldiers to complete virtual training courses.

Each Army Service School publishes a catalog listing the course titles, subject matter, and total credit hours available. Soldiers can also earn promotion points by completing the CDC end-of-course test. It is important to note that only full course completion counts towards promotion points.

In conclusion, the Army offers various options for soldiers to continue their education, improve their skills, and earn promotion points. Whether through the ACCP, Skillport, or FastClass, soldiers have the opportunity to invest in their personal and professional development. [9][10]

6. Qualifying for Promotion Points through Army Correspondence Courses

In a move to improve the enlisted semi-centralized promotion system, the Army G1 has approved giving promotion points to soldiers who complete Army Correspondence Courses (ACCP) and compete for promotion to sergeant and staff sergeant. One point will be granted for every five hours of completed ACCP training, as long as the course is completed in its entirety. No points will be given for the completion of sub-courses. In order to receive the points, the soldier must have a record of full course completion and a certificate of course completion. ACCP training is available through Army e-Learning and ATRRS self-development. Soldiers who complete courses after December 22, 2010, should have the courses added to their ERBs via ATRRS, while courses completed before December 22, 2010, require the addition of a certificate of completion to be added by the BDE/BN S1 or MPD. There are no changes to the overall number of promotion points awarded in the military education category for soldiers recommended for SGT (260 points) and SSG (280 points), with NCOES resident military training and computer-based training also being used for promotion points. A maximum of 40% of the points a soldier can earn in the military education category can be applied to NCOES. Promotion audits may be conducted, and soldiers must have a record of a completed full course to receive promotion points. [11][12]

7. Army Correspondence Course Program Curriculum and Catalog

The US Army Correspondence Course Program has been updated to include new curriculum and catalog. The program offers distance learning opportunities to soldiers seeking to advance in rank and education. The curriculum includes courses in various fields such as communications, engineering, and logistics. Each course completion earns promotion points for soldiers competing for promotion to sergeant and staff sergeant. Promotion points are given based on one point per five hours of completed ACCP training, which is restricted to courses completed in their entirety. Soldiers must have record of full course completion and the total credit hours for the entire course will be divided by 5 to determine promotion points. The goal is to complete a formal course in its entirety. The catalog is a searchable database of current and past Army program entries, which can be used in conjunction with official certificates that validate course completion and the American Council on Education Military Guide. eMILPO software allows authorized users to update and maintain a Soldier’s ACCP Distance Learning and eLearning data not received from ATRRS. The Army Correspondence Course Program continues to strive to improve the enlisted semi-centralized promotion system and keep Soldier promotions competitive. [13][14]

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8. Max Number of Promotion Points for Army Correspondence Courses

According AskTOP.net, the maximum number of promotion points a soldier can earn for Army Correspondence Courses (ACCP) is only restricted to the total points that can potentially be earned in the overall category. For example, a soldier completes three ACCP courses consisting of 40 hours, 165 hours, and 228 hours. The total hours completed (433) are divided by 5, then any decimal points are dropped. In this example, the soldier is awarded 86 promotion points. The maximum number of points a sergeant can earn is 84 points, while a staff sergeant can earn 78 points. The new promotions system, as of Jan 1 2012, restricts correspondence courses to a maximum of 78 points out of 260 military training points. A full course completion is required for promotion points to be awarded, and no points will be awarded for sub-course completion. The Soldier must have record of full course completion, and the total credit hours for the entire course will be divided by 5 to determine promotion points. The Army G1 has approved full Army Correspondence Course completion for promotion points to Soldiers competing for promotion to sergeant and staff sergeant, in an effort to improve the enlisted semi-centralized promotion system. [15][16]

9. Payment and Credit for Civilian Education

The Civilian Education System (CES) provides Army Civilians with enhanced educational opportunities throughout their careers. To support this, Army Civilians can apply for tuition assistance, which provides up to $4,000 a year towards a college degree. There are also opportunities for Army Civilians to earn college credit for CES courses. Additionally, Army Civilians can utilize the Army’s Credentialing Assistance program to earn certifications from professional associations and licensing bodies.

For those attending civilian institutions, Army Civilians can utilize the Post-9/11 GI Bill and the Military Spouse Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) to cover costs. The Post-9/11 GI Bill provides up to 36 months of benefits, including tuition and housing allowances, to those who have served on active duty for at least 90 days after September 10, 2001. The MyCAA program provides up to $4,000 in financial assistance to eligible military spouses pursuing a degree or certificate.

Furthermore, Army Civilians can take advantage of a variety of scholarships and grants to help cover education costs. The Army Emergency Relief (AER) provides need-based scholarships for Army Civilians, while the Pat Tillman Foundation offers scholarships for veterans and their spouses. Army Civilians can also apply for scholarships from professional associations and educational institutions.

In summary, the Army offers a variety of payment and credit options to support the educational pursuits of its civilian employees. From tuition assistance to scholarships and grants, Army Civilians have access to resources to help them achieve their career goals. [17][18]

10. Upgrade Training for Other Service Branch Members

The military offers a variety of upgrade training programs to service members from all branches. These programs are designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of members in their respective fields, as well as prepare them for potential leadership roles. The training also allows members to earn civilian certifications and college credit.

One example of upgrade training is the Naval War College in Rhode Island. The school offers an 11-month course for senior officers from all services, focusing on national security and strategy. The Air Force offers a leadership development program for enlisted members, providing professional military education and leadership skills. The Army’s Command and General Staff College in Kansas offers a master’s degree program designed for mid-career officers.

In addition to these programs, the military offers a variety of technical training courses, such as those for aviation maintenance, intelligence analysis, and cyber security. These courses are available to service members from all branches.

The importance of ongoing education and training cannot be overstated in the military. It ensures that service members are prepared for their roles and responsibilities, and enables them to adapt to changing technologies and tactics. Upgrade training also provides valuable opportunities for career advancement and personal growth. [19][20]

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